Jack Lloyd-Walters

Hi there!

A programmer for fun, occasionally doing things that aren't useless

I’m Jack Lloyd-Walters, I’m one of those “programmer people” everyone likes to ask for printer advice. Sometimes I write code that does stuff, most of the time that code is purely for my own entertainment.

About me

I’m a software engineer I for the Metal as a Service team at Canonical. Prior to that, I studied Physics, Astronomy, and Cosmology and the University of Portsmouth where I graduated with First class Masters.

I love writing code with Python, and I reckon I’ve become fairly competent with it in the many years since 2011.

My primary interests are definitely spaceflight, astronomy, and programming. I wonder how many of those were obvious

Welcome to my personal website, I’ll steadily be adding anything of relevance here, collating all of my projects and occasionally dropping news and blog posts.

Do not attach a lot of weight to occasionally, I am... sporadic... with regular posts. Just look at my github commit history per repo.


Apr 01, 2024 This website gets a new look!
Sep 30, 2023 I had the absolute pleasure of being invited as a panellist on the Brit astro Exoplanet webinar, where I presented my presentation: Computational Modelling of Transit Timing Variations.
May 01, 2023 I’ve been promoted to Software Engineer I

latest posts

selected publications

  1. exolcock_ariel.png
    J. Lloyd-Walters ,  and  al
  2. ttv_model.gif
    Determining The Parameters of Exoplanetary Candidates From Transit Timing Variations
    J. Lloyd-Walters ,  S. Futcher ,  D. Thomas , and 1 more author
    May 2022
  3. grav_project.png
    Distinguishing Intermediate Mass Black Hole Mergers From Short Duration Glitches
    Jack Lloyd-Walters
    May 2021

selected repositories